Define to-be Customer Experiences

Designing to-be omnichannel experiences requires to follow a set of best practice principles

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A set of best practice principles

Customer experience blueprint

A customer experience blueprint can help you map out the ideal customer journey, and identify pain points and ways to address them.

Use the customer experience blueprint template below to define the to-be customer experience with your team.

Step-by-Step Guide


Start from the as-is customer experience blueprint:

  • Understand critical pain points along the journey and prioritize them according to importance and impact for your customers.
Steps to define

Steps to define the to-be customer experience:

  • Brainstorm solutions to the CX with your team to address the opportunities identified along the customer journey


Outline key customer jobs to be done as they interact with CX solutions, and consider the following:

  • How does the brainstormed CX solution help solve the customer’s pain points?
  • Will the CX solution help us reach our growth objectives?
  • What is the ideal flow a customer can go through across CX solutions, channels?
  • Outline to-be front-stage actors or channels of interactions the customer will go through, keep in mind both digital and human touchpoints, and identify the flow to connect them together (e.g., BD website, sales team outreach, self-service portal)
  • Define internal BD capabilities (technology, data, people) that will enable the experience
  • Document risks to implementing the experience

Customer Experience Design for the Medbank Use Case

Download the Medbank Use Case and learn how campaign optimization was applied.