
Optimizing hyperlinks to build equity and authority

optimizing authority hero

What is Authority?

Authority is the importance or weight of a domain or page relative to a given search query. Search engines want to present top results that are most likely to satisfy the user with accurate, reliable information that fully answers the intent of the question or topic. 

The web is built on interconnections (hyperlinks). When external websites link to others, those links act like an endorsement (or “vote”) and suggest that the receiving website is a good resource for a given topic. In principle, the more votes a site has, the better and the more authoritative a search engine would consider it to be, ranking the site higher.

Not all links are created equal.

The goal is to receive and accumulate links from quality sites. Pages that rank well within the search engines have 100s of backlinks from other quality sites and well-chosen optimized internal links, which take users to curated content within the site. It’s important to note that acquiring backlinks takes time and should be conducted carefully. Tactics like buying backlinks or other unnatural approaches could hurt the entire site.


Optimizing Internal Links

Internal links are encouraged. They signal to the search engines that your site has other relevant content to offer the reader an onward journey. They help build and pass authority onto deeper pages in the site, but you must be careful with overuse and optimize internal links wisely. 

Best Practices for adding internal links

  • Find relevant content to link to from your page
  • Link early in the content but not too often as this may appear as spam or be undesirable by the reader
  • If you’ve already linked to a specific page earlier in the content, do not link to the page again
  • Use the content within the body copy to link to relevant content. The link's anchor text should be descriptive verses generic like “read more,” “see here,” etc.
  • Fix any broken internal links as soon as they are discovered.

Acquiring and Optimizing Backlinks

Off-page optimization are activities marketers can perform outside of the BD websites, which can improve how search engines rank the site and its content. This is done by building our website’s trustworthiness and authority by driving traffic from other channels and sources to the BD website content, such as getting partners or media to link to our site. Creating quality and resourceful content is critical to attracting these backlinks. 

Link building (also known as Outreach) is a practice that many SEO marketers spend time and budget on to increase backlinks to their site. Teams will reach out to a website to acquire links. Traditionally, this practice has a low ROI. Therefore, it’s best to focus on links from existing partners. 

Off-Page Optimization 

Many other techniques besides link-building can support off-page optimization and SEO.  These include press release creation, event promotion materials, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content syndication, and community engagement. 

Social Media Marketing

Although social media links are usually unfollowed (meaning they don’t pass direct SEO value), having a solid social media presence can indirectly boost our off-page SEO.

Sharing and promoting content on BD’s social platforms can drive traffic, increase brand visibility, and encourage others to link to BD’s content.


Outbound Reputation Management 

Managing BD’s brand and reputation online involves monitoring and addressing online reviews, comments, and discussions about the BD brand and its products. A positive online reputation can help build trust and credibility, improving off-page SEO.

Participating in relevant forums and online communities can also help build relationships with our customers, showcase experience, and provide backlink opportunities.



Content Syndication 

Distributing BD content across other platforms, such as LinkedIn, can increase its visibility and reach, potentially leading to more backlinks and social signals.